This is Jordan. She is my beautiful, rambunctious, energetic, 6 year old daughter. She is one of my blessings.
As I walked past my bedroom a colourful sight caught my eye. Taped to my door is a picture of me that Jordan drew (glasses and all!) with the following words written by her: "You are lovely Mommy."
Now, Jordan drew this for me a long time ago. It brought tears to my eyes then and as I walked past it this morning it brought tears to my eyes again.
You are LOVELY Mommy
Those words spoke volumes to my heart this morning.
Society as a whole has created this distorted vision of what "beauty" looks like. There is a lot of pressure placed on us as woman by society that if we are not petite than we are not beautiful, if we do not have certain proportionate figures we are not beautiful.
How wrong this thinking is!
It is not up to society to determine what beauty is because beauty is so much more than what we look like. Beauty should be determined by what is inside. NOT what is seen outside.
Yet many of us woman are caught up in the photos we see in magazines and the images we see on TV. That to be beautiful I need to be able to wear a bikini on the beach and be a size 4 (or whatever the going size is now!).
I know that I am guilty of this myself. I compare. I pout. I cry.
This stops today. No more comparing. No more caring what the other women at the pool think of me when I wear my bathing suit to go swimming with my kids.
I want to set an example for my children that shows them that leading a healthy lifestyle is important.
I want my children to know that they are beautiful no matter what society may think.
Most importantly, I want my children to know and have a loving relationship with their Heavenly Father.
I many not look like other woman but I am lovely. At least to those that matter most to me!
You know what the worst part of this beauty label is? That we, as woman, do it to OURSELVES! I am much more concerned with what other women think of me than other men. And I have heard time and time again, a group of women discussing how overweight or out of shape another woman. How sad for us.
You are lovely, Laura! Don't forget it!
I most definitely agree with you, Jen! The hard part is, that most women don't even realize they are doing this or how hurtful their words or looks can be. God made us all unique for a reason. If he didn't, this world would lack diversity! We need to learn to embrace difference and not be scared by it! Thanks for the comment Jen! :)
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