As I type to you all, dear friends, I sit with an ice pack wrapped around my knee grumbling to myself.
It is so frustrating to be laid up with an injury. However, at the same time it is a quiet reprieve.
I will admit, during the start of this week I was beyond frustrated with my injury and extremely discouraged. Here I had finally found something that I really enjoyed doing and was making time for and all of a sudden I was hit with a set back.
It felt like I had been knocked down and thrown back.
Many questions were flying around in my head: How long am I going to be laid up for? Will I even be able to run again? What if I am told that I cannot run anymore and need to stick to something low impact? What am I going to do?
You see, I was enjoying the fact that I could receive a very good workout in 20 minutes or so and I was no longer feeling guilty about being lazy. I was able to get out for a run at least 4 times a week and I enjoyed those moments of solitude.
Now it was looking like maybe running would no longer be an option for me. I still don't know if it is an option. I guess that only time will be able to tell.
I will admit that I have "self diagnosed" myself as I have been unable to get in to see the doctor. I believe I have a case of what is called Runners Knee. It is extremely irritating and definitely not very comfortable. It also makes simple tasks like walking up stairs quite awkward. Not to mention trying to sit down on the ground with the kids!
I have been off from running all week. I have been trying to be good at resting and icing my knee but since I run a day care, resting is almost impossible! However, I have stayed out of my running shoes and have not gone for a run since Monday. I was hoping to get out for a run tonight but I can still feel tightness in my knee and feel that it would be best to rest it for just a little while longer.
I have had to search out quiet solitude elsewhere this past week but I can still feel God speaking to my heart. There has been an odd sense of peace the last two days. To be honest, I wish that I could have heard Him speaking a lot sooner. It probably would have saved me a tearful phone call to my husband on Wednesday afternoon!
I have been reminded that I cannot do things with my own strength. I have witnessed God's awesomeness as I have read scripture, lifted my hands in worship and have quieted my heart. Oh what a powerful, loving and gracious God we serve!
Dear Friends, an injury or a setback can be extremely discouraging. However, it is important to know that these setbacks are not permanent. There are other methods (even if they do not seem like an option at the time) and they can be treated and remedied. I know that it is hard to see it at the time, but we will bounce back and we will continue on.
We just need to dig deep and find that motivation within us to carry on and be the strong, beautiful women that we can be! And while we wait we can come before God with an open heart and an open mind and allow him to use our down time to quiet our hearts and reveal his glory to us!
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