Monday, September 19, 2011

To Exercise or Not To Exercise . . .

Have you ever had the urge to workout?  Have you ever craved push-ups or sit-ups or maybe, just maybe, lifting some weights?

If you have . . . GREAT!  If you haven't, then I feel your pain!

I never want to exercise.  Don't get me wrong.  I love how I feel afterwards and I love knowing that I have done something good for my body.

But when it comes down to it, I just don't crave exercise!  EVER!

Oh how I wish that I did though!  I know that it would be so much better for me if I did.  Yet the thought of it makes me feel exhausted before I have even started!

In order for me to exercise, I would need to get up at 5:30 a.m. to get at least 30 minutes of cardio in.  For those of you that know me on a more personal level, you will all know that I am by no means a morning person.  I love to stay up late with the quiet of the house after every one has gone to sleep.

I tried to workout today after work, but what a sad workout it was.  I pushed through and I did my 30 minutes of cardio on my bike, but it was HARD!  Definitely much harder then if I were to workout in the morning.  For some reason, despite having to wake up so early, I find my morning workouts much easier to get through then I do after a hard day of work.

It is just that early morning factor that I am having an extremely hard time getting used to.  I like to think that my husband is right when he says that it will get easier over time.  At least one can hope that it will right?  I am so thankful that there is a nice, hot cup of coffee waiting for me once it is all said and done!

I just want to be one who craves exercise instead of craving food.  I know that it is possible to get to that point, but I question how long it takes for someone to get there.

I know that it takes time to make something a habit, but is exercising something that just becomes a habit or are we truly capable of craving our workout time?

Tonight I shall go to bed with the satisfaction that I have started this week off right . . . .and maybe some muscle rub for my tired and sore legs!

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