Thursday, May 31, 2012



I thought that I would take an opportunity to treat my fantastic readers to a little Giveaway!

If you are a coffee or tea drinker (or maybe even enjoy an awesome cold beverage!) than this Giveaway is for YOU!

I would like to give you $10 eCard to spend at your local Starbucks.  I, personally, LOVE their Skinny Vanilla Latte.  Those are my big treat to myself these days!

So, here are the details:

In order to enter you need to leave a comment under this posting.  Only 1 entry per person please!

In your comment please tell me one of the challenges you have faced in making healthy choices for yourself and what you, personally, would like prayer for.

This Giveaway will be left open until 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Friday, June 1st.  At that time I will pick a winner using a random number generator and will announce the winner.

Once again, THANK YOU to all of my wonderful readers.  You are all a blessing to me!


Joyce said...

Great blog Laura!! The biggest challenge I have found are all the smart doctors, dietitians, health food people etc who say this is the miracle diet or the best life style change and believing them. Or those exercise gurus who say exercise, exercise. If it is something you don't enjoy, why force myself to do it?
I have done plenty of diets. The challenge was who had the best and correct info. So many involved restriction of certain foods and lots of exercise. What finally has worked for me is realizing that wheat has had a negative effect for my body. So in October I decided to go wheat free with some help from herbal one. I have lost 30 pounds in doing so. I recently left herbal one since it is so expensive. I love how I feel being wheat free and sugar free too actually. With the fibro I always have one ache or another or more, but removing wheat has made a huge difference. My knees don't ache anymore and taking stairs is a lot easier. My chronic sinus infections have almost disappeared. I feel lighter and brighter. It isnt a fast process, but it is a process and I am slowly losing instead of gaining....make sense?

Mandy said...

Laura, I am just loving your blog. So much of what you write is exactly how I feel too. I have often tried to remind myself that my body is a temple for the Holy Spirit and for a little while that motivates me to eat healthy and exercise. But those food cravings just do me in. I crave something unhealthy, eat it, and then feel do down on myself. I know that I can really just move on, but somehow one craving leads to another and another. I really need to read "Made to Crave" and keep God as my craving.

Tracy said...

Laura, you are truly an inspiration to me. I continue to struggle with my weight everyday. I lost so much about 3 years ago and now just need to lose another 15 - 20 lbs. to feel better about myself. Dave is so encouraging and helps me with my healthy eating choices, but when he is not home during the day, I seem to want the comfort food i guess, like the chocolate bunnies from the girls at Easter time. Chocolate is my weakness and during the day, especialy when Carly is at school and I am home by myself, that is all I want to eat. And then, of course I feel guilty after doing so and then the next 3 days go like a mad woman on my treadmill to try and get it off.
Thank you so much for doing this blog. I enjoy reading them and relating them to me and my everyday stuff.

Devon said...

Wow...I can totally relate to the comments posted so far. My weight has definitely been a struggle since I was in highschool. I currently have lost 60 lbs so far (which is awesome), however, I still feel a like I'm still far from over this battle. I truly and honestly think this will be a lifetime struggle (unfortunately) but from day one of losing weight I embraced it as a lifestyle change and not a diet (I in no way deprive myself). However...and there is a big however, I still struggle with the vicious cycle (as your posts, Laura, have described in the past) where I totally give in to the fastfood/sweets cravings and with no ones knowledge of it. It'll be a lunch or an afternoon snack and I always feel so incredibly crappy come dinner time. It's one of those, "Why in the world did I do that to myself...I don't feel good at all." It was totally instant gratification and it lasted only for a couple hours...that's it...not a lifetime. My tendency is to keep this up for a few days and then get back on track (and thankfully I lose the weight gained in those days quite easily, but I really wish I never gave in to those cravings). I, like you and the others, often forget that my body is a temple of God's and I truly do experience moments of remorse but often forget yet again. I guess I would request that prayer be said for me (1) not to forget to involve God in this battle and (2) to have the strength to lose the last 10 lbs in order to reach my goal. I'm honestly at the point of just not I've done this for too long and it's totally intimidating to think those thoughts because I do not, not ever, want to go back to the "old Devon". I want to continue to be the "new Devon" and it honestly makes me wonder if that's why I did not fret about turning 30 because I know I am healthier and more active than I have ever been. I guess my prayer for all of you is that you find the peace and strength to overcome this battle. It'll be a battle to the end, but I believe each and every one of you can do it! :)

VMS and ScrapbookingOasis said...

I would have to say junk food (sweets, fast food and of course pop). I do the same as Devon -have fast food (and only A knows) and feel like crap after. As a family we have cut out fast food for a month and you feel better and when you eat it again you feel just awful (even G agrees). I think even just cutting the fast food our would help a lot. I can generally cut myself off for candy etc. Fast food is one that it doesn't seem to matter how much you eat, it just doesn't 'sit right'

VickyVK said...

Good for you getting out there and writing this blog Laura! I think we all struggle with focusing on what really matters in life and not on worldly things, whatever they may be.
I'd have to say that right now my biggest struggle health wise is creativity in my snacks and cooking. And also finding the time to do it and to fit it all within our grocery budget. Healthy foods are definitely more expensive!
One thing I could use prayer for would be our lack of sleep. It's a hard thing to come by these days but we're trying! Thanks for the giveaway Laura! I should do one of my own soon again:)

AubreyLaine said...

My biggest challenge in healthy living is choosing healthy eating choices- I love chocolate, cookies, etc... It's difficult to say no and makes you not feel so great afterwards anyways.
family74014 at gmail dot com

Katherine said...

Thank you Laura! I have been overweight since I was a child so have never experienced the pleasure of being thin. As a child I didn't experience much love so food became my way of dealing with this intense emptiness. I am happy to say that now much of this emptiness has been filled. However, the craving for food hits me when I least expect it. It all seems overwhelming when I look on the scale and see that I have over 100 pounds I should lose. However, my focus needs not to be thin but to be healthy and to treat my body like God wants me to. Keep up the blogging. I may even start one myself.

Kristi said...

Oh Laura, fantastic questions! My biggest problem with making good choices is my lack of motivation. I hardly ever eat throughout the day (jacking my metabolism) and then eat dinner and snack constantly until late in the evening. Prayer request: overcoming PPD that, two years later, is probably not just PP...

M said...

Oh man. The BIGGEST issue for me? Is that I previously battled with bulimia as a teen. So, even as an adult, the tendency to want to repeat that cycle is SO STRONG.

So I often do all or nothing because the idea of HEALTHY behaviors is so challenging to me that I have to be totally crazed.

I need more therapy. And I think I'm going to start really noticing and trying to see my cycles so I can make a change sooner rather than later!

Laura said...

I just wanted to say Thank You to all of you for first of all, entering the contest, and secondly for your openness in your comments. I enjoyed reading them and prayed for each one of you in your own struggles!

Many of you posted about how hard it is for you to fight off temptations. I can completely relate and I still struggle with this daily. I wrote a new post for all of you and I hope that it will give you a little bit of hope and that it will continue to help you in your journey.

You are all strong and beautiful women and I am so thankful to have all of you in my life. My prayer for you is that, with God's help, you will learn how truly beautiful you are both inside and out.